x every day: onehundredseventyseven

12 July 2008


I'm ready to put Friday behind me; I'm writing from the next day since we were unconnected for a time. I worked a bit later than I wanted on a summer-hours day, went for a swim, ran a few errands, picked Erik up downtown with our new iPhones he had gone early to purchase from the Apple Store. We got takeout from Nicholas' and left late (8pm) for Cape Disappointment, which was a hideous three (plus) hour drive down pitch black windy roads lacking in signage. We had to take Erik's SUV since my seatbelt spring suddenly busted, leaving the belt unable to retract. I am not the greatest fan of driving such a large vehicle, especially in heavy traffic.

Despite this exhaustion, sleeping in the wind-swept tent proved to be a challenge after Erik and I switched air mattresses so that he got the longer one and I got the one with the air leak. I spent time entering my contacts into my new phone, but still couldn't fall asleep. After turning the light off around 2am and tossing and turning for a few hours, I finally got up and got a little thermarest camping pad from our car, blew it up, moved the airmattress out, read a bit, and fell asleep around 7am. I woke up around 10 or 11am, but that's on to tomorrow's story.