x every day: threehundredseventeen

29 November 2008


Today was tough. I went for a three mile run on my old lazy route, and I could really feel that I haven't run all week. We were out shopping most of the day-- random errands as we thought of them. The first was to go to Powell's to buy a New Zealand guide. I realized as my mom was buying books that I didn't have my hat anymore. I checked one place I had been and Erik checked another, but we didn't find the hat. It's the one I found at the zoo when I was 15, so I couldn't really get upset-- it came into my life and hopefully it's now in someone else's.

Another highlight of the day was buying jeans. I thought I should have a really nice pair for being thirty, and so I went to the best-known shop for jeans. After trying on about eight pairs, I was near tears with the realization of my mistake. Who shops for jeans when they're on the verge of thirty? I might as well have gone swimsuit shopping. The final pair in the store in my size actually fit me. I bought them right away.

Erik's parents had cake and wine for me at their house, which was quite nice and made for a fun dinner of sorts. A rough spot was later smoothed and I made up the rosemary-garlic bread I had tried to make for Thanksgiving, as well as marinara sauce for dipping. Then Erik and I went to see a movie, and now I'm exhausted. I'm just glad I stayed awake to have a quiet moment to greet thirty.