x every day: sixtyseven

07 March 2008


Finally had my eyelid lipo this morning (so I got to sleep in a bit and go into work late). I also left a little early to meet Brian for Plant Nerd Night. Traffic was strangely late, so I got there extra early-- around 5pm. There was already a line started outside in the drizzle. Brian was late-- about 5:45pm-- and the line was already at least three blocks long. I helped carry plants inside and trailed Brian around. The doors opened at 6pm, and it was utter mayhem. I haven't been shoved, elbowed, or bumped this much since I left the east coast! I was fairly restrained and only bought a New Zealand moss nicknamed "the green stone," and a lovely soft furry pulsatilla. The presentations were fun, and the giveaways quite abundant (although I didn't win anything).